Monday, April 17, 2017

The Gift
One of our assignments required us to come up with a beatboard where a character should receive a gift. So this story is about a girl who loses her precious balloon and how she gets it back as a 'gift' from her mother

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Studying at the Academy of Art university has been great so far. Never before had I sketched in a studio from a live model with jazz music flowing in the background. My professor, Diana Coco worked at Disney for 15 years. I had a real 'oh my gosh' moment the first time I heard that. I mean these people do exist for real and I can actually meet and interact with them every week.  For the past two months we have been focussing on anatomy and figure drawing. Although I have dealt with these topics before, I realize there is so much I still don't know.